AM Drop Off and PM Buses, Parent Pickup Procedures
Morning CAR Drop Off
Our start time is 8:50. Our first bell rings at 8:40. That means that students CANNOT be dropped off prior to 8:35. We do not have supervision or space to ensure that students are socially distant and wearing their masks. If you arrive before 8:35, please pull all the way down the sidewalk in the front of the school and wait until you see staff come outside before letting your student out of your car. Thank you for helping us keep kids safe.
When dropping off, please always pull as far forward as possible. This allows us to exit more students at once to enter the building.
Please remember to stay in your cars and allow your student to exit. We will have staff on hand to help if they need assistance in exiting. When you exit your car, it backs up the line and prevents the car flow to continue moving.
Starting at 8:35, we will be allowing students to enter the building and go immediately to their classroom pods. The arrival times have been staggered enough that there is enough time to maintain a social distance between the front doors and their homerooms.
ELP/EC families can still park and walk their 3/4-year-olds to the front doors. Your teachers will meet you in the vestibule.
Morning BUS Drop Off
- AM bus routes will continue to drop off in the back of the building.
- Kindergarten students will continue to be let off the buses first, to allow for extra assistance into their pod areas.
- Other students will be allowed to enter and walk directly to their pods in a socially distant way.
Afternoon Bus Dismissal
Buses will arrive and enter off of Calhoun Rd. They will park in front of the building. We will have two different exits to load the buses.
Bus students will continue to wait in their homerooms until the bell. Classroom teachers will be assigned a “bus zone” for the end of the day. They will take all students from their pod out to that zone (example: Mrs. Smith will take all bus zone #1 students out) in a socially distant way at the end of the day. There will be additional staff in those areas to help.
Buses will then exit back onto Calhoun Rd.
Afternoon Parent Pick Up Dismissal
Also, as in years past, we cannot release a student to someone other than the guardians listed in Infinite Campus without your permission. Please notify the office of any end of day transportation changes by lunchtime, if possible. This will greatly reduce confusion at the end of the day.
Phone calls and email notifications regarding a change in student end of day transportation to parent pick up are to be made to the school office by 10:00 AM.
Cars MUST enter in off of National Avenue. This allows the most direct path to the back of the school building, while still allowing buses to have an unobstructed entrance on Calhoun Rd.
Cars will drive to the back of the building, following the path down across the playgrounds (see map).
Parent pick up students will continue to wait in the cafeteria at homeroom tables. Adults will escort them from their pods to this area.
All families will use their assigned car tag numbers. If you need an additional tag, please contact Kim McKenna in the front office (
A staff member will enter the number they see in your window on a device once they approach the back of the building (see map).
ELP/EC families may enter on Calhoun and park in the lot to collect your 3/4-year-old from the front vestibule.
Cars may exit on Calhoun Rd. or National Ave. As always, please yield to buses.
When students see their name/number, they will then exit and stand in a socially distant line outside, as the cars pull up. Students may only enter their cars in the blue box zone on the map above. Staff members will be there to monitor, and to help direct students to their cars.
This digital number entry can then be seen from the cafeteria. The display will show the number, as well as the student names associated with that number.