General Principles of the Handbook
Since its inception, The School District of New Berlin has been building a tradition of excellence, which incorporates the district's Vision of Our Graduate and Strategic Planning. Students in New Berlin are expected to contribute to that tradition. By maintaining high personal expectations for success, utilizing open communication with staff and families, and following the guidelines listed below, students increase their opportunities for success and help make our schools excellent.
Accept responsibility for your education, decisions, words, and actions.
- Act in a way that best represents your school, parents, community, and self to promote a safe, healthy environment in which to learn.
- Be active in the school and community.
- Maintain a balance between academics, co-curricular activities and community projects, continually giving your best effort to each.
- Support your fellow students and their activities.
- Respect cultural diversity, individuality, and the choices and rights of others.
These principles form the foundation of the expectations for all New Berlin secondary students. If students act in accordance with these principles, they will be within the rules of the school, and more importantly, they will increase the likelihood of experiencing personal success in, and satisfaction with, school.
To maintain the health, safety and well-being of all, our campus is routinely monitored with video surveillance and inspected by the New Berlin Police and Fire Departments.
Expectations for Classroom Behavior
The classroom is certainly the most critical area of an educational institution, and teachers will insist that students' behavior and attitude in the classroom reflect the importance of the serious business of learning. More specifically, teachers will insist that students:
- arrive to class on time
- are prepared for class, with all materials necessary for class that day
- are attentive to the task at hand until dismissed by the teacher
- show respect and consideration for others
- demonstrate care and consideration for school property and the property of others
Each teacher is able to establish the rules and procedures for his or her classroom. Students are expected to observe those rules and to respond promptly to the direction of their teachers.
Structuring the Student's Day
The School District of New Berlin is organized on the premise that students benefit from a highly structured school day. Therefore, students in grades 7-10 are either in a class or study hall the entire day, with the exception of a lunch period. As students become upperclassmen, they are nearing a time in their life when they must begin to assume more responsibility for their decisions. Thus, an assumption is made that upperclassmen will benefit if they are given more responsibility to determine how they will use their lunch hours and have some flexibility in their scheduling of courses. Students should keep in mind, however, that the freedom to make these decisions is a privilege that may be removed by their administration if they fail to observe the rules of the school.
When School Rules Apply
The list of specific rules on this website is not intended to be all-inclusive. Students will be subject to disciplinary action and/or denial of privileges any time their behavior is disruptive, illegal, or inconsiderate of others and may have an impact on the learning of others and/or their safety and well-being. Additionally, students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and socially appropriate manner while in school, while representing the school, and at school sponsored events. Specific consequences will be assigned by administration.
Students may be subject to discipline for any conduct that takes place off-campus and/or outside of school where there is a reasonable belief by school administration that their behavior has caused or will cause disruption to New Berlin’s educational process or environment, or has interfered with or will interfere with the safety or well-being of students or staff. Students are responsible for following all rules and regulations contained in the Board of Education's policies and the Student/Parent Handbook.
If you have any questions please contact the administrative team of your school.